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Add:NO. 12 Xinsi Road, Hengjing, Wuzhong District, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province, China
Contact:Raul Dong
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Injection mold polishing should pay attention to mattersInjection mold polishing should pay attention to matters
When a new mold cavity began processing, should first check the workpiece surface, clean the surface with kerosene, so that the oil surface will not stick to dirt lead to the loss of cutting function.
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How do you solve the problem of stamping mould and crackingHow do you solve the problem of stamping mould and cracking
The difference of structure shape, section size, heat and cooling rate in different heat treatment process, the combination of thermal stress and microstructure stress and the phase change of volume change
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How do you set the process for injection molding?How do you set the process for injection molding?
The program control of the injection speed is to divide the injection stroke of the screw into 3~4 stages, and use the appropriate injection speed respectively in each stage.
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Engineering plastic products mold processing how to reduce defectsEngineering plastic products mold processing how to reduce defects
For precision grinding of precision mold with dimensional tolerance within 0.01mm, the influence of ambient temperature should be paid attention to, and constant temperature grinding is required.
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How to solve the cold spot in plastic injection molding?How to solve the cold spot in plastic injection molding?
Cold material spot mainly refers to the parts near the gate with fog or bright color markings or from the gate like earthworm stick on top of the curved scars, they enter the cavity of the plastic front or due to excessive pressure effect and later squeezed into the cavity caused by cold material
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Address: NO. 12 Xinsi Road, Hengjing, Wuzhong District, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province, China
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